Meet Zuo, the uncomfortably cute peach-bottom,
who you could easily argue is the black sheep of
the Kobito Zukan universe.
See, unlike his cousin Kakure Momojiri, whom you
likely already know as the peach-bottomed kobito
often seen in plushie form, Zuo was never really
content with a quiet life hiding in the shadows
of peach trees and basking in the serene nature
he grew up in.
Ever since birth, Zuo was simply built
From his go-getter attitude to his desire for
something greater, to his iridescent skin marked
with a distinct mole shaped suspiciously like
the Solana ticker, well... It turns out this
mole wasn’t just a birthmark; it was a calling.
Zuo's calling.
While all the other kobito peaches focused on
blending in and enjoying life in the quiet scene
of peach treetops, Zuo was busy spying on humans
sitting in the grass with their computers or
phones in front of them. He always wondered what
those zigzaggy red and green candles on the
screens meant.
When he learned that these candles formed what
we know as "the chart," Zuo was intrigued and
became extremely drawn to the digital
It was now clear. Zuo now knew what he
He wanted to experience the wild, meme-driven
jungle of crypto. When he heard battle cries of
“wen moon” and “diamond hands” as he rustled
through the enticing X, Telegram, and blockchain
forests, his destiny became even clearer: Zuo
wasn’t meant to hide, no. He was meant to ape
into projects, chase the next big pump, and
escape the Kobito Matrix.
Now, guided by a relentless thirst for gains and
a dream of finally getting that Lambo, Zuo left
the familiar roots of Kobito Valley. But even in
his pursuit of decentralized freedom, he still
stays true to his Kobito Zukan origins.
Zuo is still and will always be mischievous,
quirky, and uncomfortably cute.
Our tokenomics are simple - Pumpfun tokenomics!